In-depth Understanding of TikTok
Making Money Methods

In-depth Understanding of TikTok

Having used TikTok for a number of years, we presently oversee various accounts with tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of followers. With TikTok, we have a ton of experience. This essay will combine our knowledge to provide you a thorough overview of TikTok by going over many areas of the platform in detail, such as setup, posting videos, earning followers, and making money.

TikTok Setup

If you use TikTok from domestic, getting started is not too difficult. All you have to do is download the TikTok app and use your own network. However, correctly configuring TikTok becomes crucial if you want the people who follow your TikTok account to be from a particular nation.

Here, we’ll use users who wish to have American users as the target audience for their account. This is also a common situation for TikTok revenue generation. We must finish the following setups before launching TikTok:

  1. Phone: Using an iPhone, model 7 or higher, is highly advised. Because iOS systems are more tight and controllable than Android systems, which are more open and have a lot of unknown variables, Android phones are not advised, and this essay will not utilize Android phones as an example.
  2. US Apple Account: We must set up an US Apple account in order to download the TikTok app and the proxy server program Shadowrocket. It’s simple to get many of these on Amazon. Since we will be using the email for a long time, don’t forget to bind it and change the password after purchasing.
  3. Proxy Server: Shadowrocket is merely the software needed to set up a proxy server. A proxy server is still required; it can be constructed yourself or acquired directly. Building it yourself is advised because it is secure and difficult to block. Vultr is the suggested host; they are presently offering new users a $100 credit. A server can be simply purchased and used for a trial term at no cost. This post will help you create a proxy server.
  4. US SIM Card: The TikTok software will read the SIM card’s ICCID data, which includes the country code, from our phone. This will be used by TikTok to identify the account’s country. It is therefore highly advised to invest some money on Amazon in order to purchase a monthly SIM card that is American and has a legitimate American number that is capable of receiving both voice and SMS calls. Typically, the monthly charge is very cheap, which covers minutes of voice calls and several dozen SMS.

We can begin the setup procedure after the preparations are finished. There are two guidelines to adhere to:

  1. Limit your use to a single phone, IP address, and TikTok account. Set up a different phone and IP for every account if you have many.
  2. Based on variables like the country of the phone’s SIM card, the country of the account’s initial registration, the phone’s location, the operating system and language of the phone, and the country of the IP address, TikTok will identify the country and traffic region of your TikTok account. When using these indicators, attempt to maintain their consistency as the first three aspects are crucial.

Setup Process:

  1. Reset the phone: On iPhone, choose [Settings -> General -> Reset iPhone].
  2. Reactivate the iPhone, choose English as the language.
  3. Turn off location services, disable Siri, disable Touch ID or Face ID, turn off ad tracking, and set the time zone to a corresponding US time zone.
  4. Use an overseas Apple account to enter the App Store and download Shadowrocket.
  5. Use Shadowrocket to set up the proxy server, which can be manually set or obtained through a subscription address.
  6. Choose a suitable US server and open Safari to visit this website to check the disguise level.
  7. After passing the check, go to the App Store to download the TikTok app.

We have now effectively finished configuring the TikTok operating environment. Verify that the IP is set and that the correct SIM card is placed in your phone. Next, launch the TikTok app to import an already-existing account or create a new one. Ensure that your account is linked to your legitimate American phone number.

Once everything is finished, remember to keep this working environment stable. Avoid changing the IP address or SIM card quickly. The stability of TikTok’s traffic can be maximized in a stable environment.

Posting Videos and Gaining Followers on TikTok

You might be wondering, isn’t it easy enough to submit videos on TikTok? Simply upload the video, add tags, and write a description.

It’s not really that easy. Posting videos on TikTok requires a variety of strategies, and the platform’s traffic algorithm differs greatly from that of other social networking sites. These are the specifics.

TikTok’s Traffic Distribution Method

In terms of how traffic is distributed, TikTok is extremely different from other social media networks. TikTok distributes traffic differently depending on the popularity and topic of each video, since the most popular user action on the platform is swiping up and down to go between previous and next videos. Consequently, you will receive more traffic the larger the audience for your video topic and the better quality of your videos.

Video analysis

It is simple to comprehend why a video topic has such a large audience. You’ll gain more attention if your video’s topic is something that a lot of people are interested in, like food, news, real estate, gaming, or other topics that are directly relevant to the lives of regular people. It will be difficult to acquire visitors if your topic is in a highly specialized niche like science, culture, or religion, therefore topic selection is crucial.

TikTok experiments to determine how popular a video is. TikTok will typically allow a video 200–500 views in the beginning for new accounts or accounts with a small number of followers, after which it will track the video’s engagement metrics (likes, shares, comments, completion rate, etc.). TikTok will keep promoting the video if engagement is strong, a sign that it’s really well-liked. Older accounts or accounts with a large following may have higher initial traffic (e.g., 800-1000), and interaction will continue to affect subsequent traffic.

How to Post Popular Videos on TikTok

The explanation of TikTok’s traffic distribution algorithm provided above makes it clear that while an account’s amount of followers has an impact on video traffic, it is not the deciding factor. If the video quality is good, a new account can receive traffic rapidly; if the video quality is poor, an established account with a large following will find it difficult to receive a significant quantity of traffic. Compared to other social media sites, where accounts with a large following typically receive a lot of traffic for each video, this approach is substantially different.

On TikTok, video quality is always the first priority. We once increased a new account’s followers from 0 to about 100K within a month.

So how do you post popular videos?

Make sure there are enough individuals interested in the field you have chosen by choosing it appropriately, and then use your imagination well. TikTok videos are frequently quite brief, and the platform’s algorithm means that if your video doesn’t grab attention in the first few seconds, users will quickly swipe it. Here are a few useful recommendations:

  • Original videos: To make sure the video doesn’t show up on other foreign or local social media sites like Douyin, Instagram, YouTube, Xigua Video, or Xiaohongshu, shoot it alone or with friends. It is no longer possible to rely only on re-uploading at this point.
  • Mimic creativity: You can reuse the creativity by looking at pet-related videos that have already been viral on the internet. You can use a dog if someone else uses a cat.
  • Edit strategically: To instantly catch attention and entice viewers to like and comment, start the video with the most exciting segment. Once the film is finished, view it for yourself and let us know if you would suggest it to others. You can tell that the video quality is decent if it meets your needs.
  • Don’t worry too much about not producing viral videos: In actuality, hardly many viral videos are required. An account will expand very quickly if it has one or two viral videos. Thus, if you continue to submit one video each day, viral videos will eventually surface.
  • Always use a mobile phone when posting videos: Don’t manage the account using the PC app. To guarantee the account’s steady operation, always use a phone and network. Avoid using your account to access other websites and quickly changing IP addresses.

These are some of our suggestions for posting videos. Of course, for those who really don’t want to create original content and must re-upload, is there no way out? Of course not. After a long period of trial, we found a tool to process videos and successfully pass TikTok’s originality detection. If you want to get this tool, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave a comment with your email under the teaching video of this episode. We will send the download address of the tool to your email.

Making Money with TikTok

Probably the most common question is how to monetize your TikTok account. Not just out of interest and passion, but most people continue to manage their social media accounts. Having money can make it easier for us to handle our social media accounts and even make it a career.

TikTok Creator tools

Common Methods to Monetize TikTok

Currently, there are several common methods to monetize TikTok:

  1. Brand Partnerships: Brands might reach out to you to work together as your TikTok account gains more views and followers. You can get paid by these companies to endorse their goods or services in your videos. The bigger the sum you may demand, the more followers and interaction your account gets.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Using affiliate links in your videos, you can advertise goods and services. You receive a commission when customers click on these links and make purchases. Accounts with a high degree of follower trust and engagement are good candidates for this approach.
  3. Live Streaming: Users on TikTok can go live and engage in real-time communication with their fans thanks to a feature. Followers have the option to send virtual gifts during live streams, which may be exchanged for actual cash. Frequently interacting with followers is necessary for this strategy to develop a devoted and powerful fan base.
  4. Selling Products: You can create your own products, such as merchandise, and promote them through your TikTok videos. This is an effective way to directly monetize your audience by offering them something tangible.
  5. TikTok Creator Fund: TikTok has established a Creator Fund to reward content creators based on the views and engagement their videos receive. To qualify, you need to meet certain criteria, such as a minimum number of followers and consistent content creation.

Tips for Successful Monetization

  1. Consistent Content Creation: Regularly posting high-quality content is key to maintaining and growing your follower base. Consistency helps keep your audience engaged and attracts new followers.
  2. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, participate in trends, and interact with your followers. Building a strong connection with your audience increases their loyalty and makes them more likely to support your monetization efforts.
  3. Understand Your Audience: Knowing what your audience likes and what content resonates with them is crucial. Use TikTok analytics to gain insights into your audience’s preferences and tailor your content accordingly.
  4. Collaborate with Other Creators: Partnering with other TikTok creators can help you reach a broader audience. Collaborative videos can introduce your content to new viewers who may become your followers.
  5. Stay Updated on Trends: TikTok is a platform that thrives on trends. Keeping up with the latest trends and incorporating them into your content can help your videos gain more visibility and engagement.


TikTok offers vast opportunities for users to showcase their creativity, gain followers, and even make money. By understanding the platform’s setup, posting strategies, and monetization methods, you can effectively grow your TikTok presence and turn it into a successful venture. Remember to stay consistent, engage with your audience, and adapt to trends to maximize your success on TikTok.

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