Quick making money method about clickbank
Making Money Methods

A Smart Method To Make Money Using ClickBank + Reddit

This article will introduce a smart method to make money using ClickBank + Reddit. ClickBank is the world’s largest digital product marketing platform. It has been operated for more than 10 years. Many people have already made thousands of dollars per month. I have used ClickBank for quite a long time. So I will recommend Clickbank to people who want to do CPS seriously.

In fact, the strategy of selling products online or offline is almost the same.

Choose a product

The first thing is to choose a product, the product must be useful, the audience is enough, and the level of competition is not too high. Please be sure to think about this question carefully.

Is the product useful? Some people think that this question is nonsense. In fact, it is NOT. Some products, such as CD-ROM, was useful in the past, but few people use it today because of the development of network, this kind of product is not suitable for promotion.

Another factor you need to pay attention to is the number of audience, not too high, and not too low. The demand of product you choose is relatively small if the number of your audience is too low, it is difficult to promote. On the other hand, if the number of your audience is too high, that also means there are too many competitors of your promoted product. It is also difficult to promote.

So the choice of products is the key to success of online marketing.

Find the target buyers

The next step is to find the target buyers. who will buy the product? In other words, who is suitable for this product? This is the question that all affiliates should ask themselves. Is this product suitable for men or women? What the age range, the income range, the occupation of buyers is this product suitable for? Then, after finding these target people, you will found the key to success.

Analysis of sales data

Finally you need to pay attention to the analysis of sales data, product design improvements and customer relationship maintenance. Is the product sold well? Which type of buyers is selling better? Why are some kinds selling badly? These can be analyzed through sales data, which can supports the whole marketing process.

The method

Let’s use the above method to take a try. The first trick of the method described in this article is to select a “Give it away” product on Clickbank. What is the “Give it away” product? It is the free product, then how can the merchant make money? The answer is very simple, earning postage, meanwhile accumulating customer information. The merchant will give us a commission of 4-10 dollars per product when we promote these products. So why do we promote such products? Because of the mentality of people, they always want to get something free, no matter how good this thing is, or whether he/she really needs this thing. It is the human instinct, it will make sales easy.

You can see that the products of “Give it away” on Clickbank are quite a lot. Let’s take the first “iPac T-shirt” as an example. Click “PROMOTE” to get the promotion URL. Click on the title to enter the sales page.

The next step is to post on Twitter. The link inside the tweet is the promotion URL obtained by clicking “PROMOTE” above. You can use the short link tool such as bitly, as the following.

Finally, find the appropriate subreddit on Reddit, post it, the link in the post is the address of the tweet on Twitter, like this.

This is the whole method, and then you can wait for the traffic from Reddit -> Twitter -> Sales Page -> Commission.

Next, I will explain why we do these steps?

First of all, Reddit’s traffic is different from Twitter. Reddit does not depend on the number of fans. As long as the selected subreddit is suitable, it is very likely to get huge traffic in a very short time, but Reddit is very sensitive to advertising. Links from external websites, especially links with very obvious advertising intentions, are extremely forbidden. So we will post on Twitter first, then post the tweet URL as a link when posting to Reddit, which is relatively safe.

OK, this is the smart method to make money using Clickbank and Reddit, the affiliate program is Clickbank, and the traffic sources are Twitter and Reddit, we have considered the product selection, the safety of promotion, etc.

By the way, Reddit is an excellent traffic source for marketing. The US traffic is very high there, and there will be more articles on Reddit, please look forward to the following articles of MakeMoneyFastGuide.