Plugrush JuicyAds ExoClick Compare
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A Comparative Analysis of Plugrush, JuicyAds, and ExoClick


Online advertising has become a crucial aspect of any business looking to establish an online presence. As a result, there has been a proliferation of advertising networks, making it difficult for businesses to choose the right platform. In this blog post, we will compare three of the most popular advertising networks – Plugrush, JuicyAds, and ExoClick – based on their influence, benefits, features, revenue, price, difficulties, and more. We will also provide a table for a comprehensive analysis of these three networks.



When it comes to influence, ExoClick has a significant edge over Plugrush and JuicyAds. ExoClick has a global reach, with over 7 billion daily ad impressions and a presence in over 190 countries. This means that businesses can reach a broad audience across the world. Plugrush and JuicyAds, on the other hand, have a more regional influence, with a focus on North America and Europe.



All three networks offer different benefits to businesses. Plugrush provides a high level of control over campaigns, with the ability to customize targeting options and pricing models. JuicyAds is known for its excellent customer support and a focus on adult content. ExoClick offers advanced targeting options, including device type, location, and time of day.



Plugrush, JuicyAds, and ExoClick offer similar features, such as real-time reporting, anti-fraud measures, and various ad formats. However, ExoClick stands out with its advanced targeting options, including carrier targeting and IP ranges. Plugrush offers a unique feature called “Smart CPM,” which optimizes campaigns to achieve the best results based on the advertiser’s goals.


Revenue and Price

Plugrush and JuicyAds offer competitive revenue shares, with Plugrush providing a 70% revenue share and JuicyAds providing up to 85% revenue share. ExoClick, on the other hand, provides a revenue share of up to 90%. When it comes to pricing, Plugrush and JuicyAds have a cost-per-click (CPC) model, while ExoClick has a cost-per-impression (CPM) model.

Revenue and Price


All three networks have a user-friendly interface, making it easy for businesses to set up campaigns. However, Plugrush has a steeper learning curve due to its advanced targeting options. JuicyAds is known for its excellent customer support, which can help businesses navigate any difficulties they face. ExoClick offers extensive documentation and resources to help businesses get started.



Plugrush, JuicyAds, and ExoClick have different audiences, with JuicyAds focusing on adult content and Plugrush and ExoClick catering to a broader audience. ExoClick has a more extensive range of ad formats, including native ads and push notifications. JuicyAds and Plugrush offer referral programs, allowing advertisers to earn additional revenue by referring new customers.


Comparative Analysis Table

NetworkInfluenceBenefitsFeaturesRevenue SharePricing ModelDifficulties
PlugrushRegionalHigh level of controlSmart CPM70%CPCSteep learning curve
JuicyAdsRegionalExcellent customer supportAdult content focusUp to 85%CPCUser-friendly
ExoClickGlobalAdvanced targeting optionsCarrier targeting, IP rangesUp to 90%CPMUser-friendly

Additional considerations

Although the comparative analysis table provides a good starting point for businesses to compare and contrast the three advertising networks, there are additional considerations that businesses should take into account when making a decision.

One important consideration is the type of business that the advertising network caters to. For example, if a business specializes in adult content, then JuicyAds might be the best option, given its focus on that niche. On the other hand, if a business is looking to reach a global audience, ExoClick might be the better choice due to its extensive reach.

Another consideration is the quality of the traffic that each advertising network provides. While all three networks have measures in place to prevent fraud, businesses should still be vigilant in monitoring their campaigns to ensure that they are receiving quality traffic.

Finally, businesses should also consider the level of support that each advertising network provides. While all three networks offer some level of support, businesses should choose a platform that provides the level of support they need to achieve their advertising goals.


In conclusion, choosing the right advertising network is an essential part of any business’s online marketing strategy. By considering influence, benefits, features, revenue, price, and difficulty, businesses can make an informed decision about which platform to use. While the comparative analysis table provides a good starting point, businesses should also consider additional factors such as the type of business the network caters to, the quality of traffic, and the level of support provided. We hope that this blog post has provided valuable insights to help businesses make an informed decision about which advertising network to use.