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Exoclick: The Advertising Network You Need To Know


In the world of digital advertising, it can be difficult to know which advertising network to use for your business. One network that you need to know about is Exoclick. Exoclick is the fourth largest advertising network in the world and offers a range of advertising solutions that can help you reach your target audience.

exoClick Overview

The Benefits of Exoclick

Exoclick offers a range of benefits to advertisers that make it a great choice for businesses that want to reach their target audience.

Ad Formats

Exoclick offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, pop-unders, and native ads. This means that you can choose the ad format that works best for your business and target audience.

exoClick Ad Formats

Targeting Options

Exoclick offers targeting options based on location, device type, and even browser type. This means that you can create highly targeted campaigns that reach the right people at the right time.

exoClick Targeting Options

Competitive Pricing

Exoclick offers competitive pricing that can help you get the most out of your advertising budget. With Exoclick, you can set your own bids and budgets, giving you complete control over your advertising spend.

exoClick Pricing

The Exoclick Platform

Exoclick‘s platform is easy to use and offers a range of tools that can help you create and manage your campaigns. The platform offers real-time reporting, which means that you can track the performance of your campaigns in real-time and make adjustments as needed.

Additionally, Exoclick’s platform offers a range of optimization tools that can help you get the most out of your campaigns. These tools include automatic optimization, which uses machine learning to optimize your campaigns based on your goals.

How to Earn as an Exoclick Publisher

Exoclick offers a range of advertising solutions for publishers that can help them monetize their websites and earn money. Here are some tips on how to earn as an Exoclick publisher:

Ad Formats

Exoclick offers a variety of ad formats to publishers, including display ads, pop-unders, and native ads. Display ads are the most common ad format and are available in various sizes and placements. Pop-unders, on the other hand, open in a new window underneath the active window and are less intrusive. Native ads are more subtle and blend in with the website’s content, making them less likely to be ignored by users.


The placement of your ads on your website can have a significant impact on your earnings. It’s essential to choose strategic placements that will attract the most clicks and conversions. Ads placed above the fold tend to receive more visibility and clicks. It’s also important to ensure that your ads are placed in a location that’s visible to users while not being too intrusive.

Setting up Ads on Exoclick

Setting up ads on Exoclick is a straightforward process. To get started, you’ll need to create an account with Exoclick and select the ad format you want to use. After this, you’ll need to create your ad campaign, set your targeting options, and set your bids and budgets.

Once your campaign is live, you can monitor its performance using Exoclick’s real-time reporting tool. This tool allows you to track the performance of your campaigns in real-time and make adjustments as needed. You can also use Exoclick’s optimization tools to improve the performance of your campaigns and maximize your earnings.

By following the tips mentioned above and setting up your ads correctly on Exoclick, you can effectively monetize your website and earn money as a publisher.

exoClick setting up ads

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Exoclick?

Exoclick is an advertising network that offers a range of advertising solutions to help businesses reach their target audience.

What ad formats does Exoclick offer?

Exoclick offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, pop-unders, and native ads.

Can I target my ideal customer with Exoclick?

Yes, Exoclick offers targeting options based on location, device type, and even browser type, allowing you to create highly targeted campaigns.

How much does Exoclick cost?

Exoclick offers competitive pricing, and allows you to set your own bids and budgets, giving you complete control over your advertising spend.

Does Exoclick offer optimization tools?

Yes, Exoclick‘s platform offers a range of optimization tools, including automatic optimization, which uses machine learning to optimize your campaigns based on your goals.

Is Exoclick easy to use?

Yes, Exoclick‘s platform is easy to use and offers a range of tools that can help you create and manage your campaigns.


If you’re looking for a powerful advertising network that can help you reach your target audience, Exoclick is the perfect choice. With a range of ad formats, targeting options, and competitive pricing, Exoclick offers everything you need to create successful campaigns. So why wait? Sign up for Exoclick today and start reaching your ideal customer.